Saturday, October 18, 2008

Goodbye's are the hardest part

I took the Salfiti's to the airport at 6:00a.m. with all their suitcases that filled my car so full Abe's door wouldnt close all the way, Ash had no where to put her feet, and Daisy who was not loving the duffle bag shaped case he was shoved into, so they could fly away back to the states and on to new adventures. I am not complaining! It is always hard when you meet great people who you grow to love and build life long friendships with and then have them move away. I think its the hardest part of military life. It was all tears at the airport. Poor Abe didnt know what to do with 3 crying girl. As much as I am gonna miss them I am happy they are going home where they really want to be. Still it is hard to find friends like them and they can never be replaced. It's gonna be very sad in the mornings without Cat A.K.A chatty cathy there to keep the morning mommy meeting together.

So fairwell, Abe, Cat, and ash-i-looney. we will always miss you!

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