Sunday, June 17, 2012

Fathers day bike ride

We took a ride through our town.
We stopped by an old church, took a stroll through a farm, and then headed back home.

Happy Father's Day all you fathers out there. I love you dad, trav, Steve, uncles, cousins, and friends!!

Amburg germany

We drove to graf to buy Sarriah a bike and were able to stop in amburg to visit our good friends Erin and Alex before going to snow white and the huntsman.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

A memorial

Memorial day will forever be a true day of remembrance for us. This year 2 great pilots, one a buddy were lost in Afghanistan on memorial day. You were both great men. Heroes!!! My thoughts, prayers and love goes to both families.

You are lost but never forgotten.

Last week of school

My favorite time of year......... SUMMER!!!!!! I love having my kiddos home!!!

Here is a recap of their last week of school. They had their first school dance, field day, an award ceremony ( they each received 2 awards) and then the last day of school. I had two crying kids this year. It's always sad to say goodbye to friends.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Spouses club

Spouses club is drawing to the end of our year. My term as president is almost over. It's been a crazy year. I have made life time friends, learned a lot, and worked my butt off. I couldn't have asked for a better group of ladies to work with though. We had our end of the year thank you dinner so I could thank my board and they surprised me with a string of pearls!!! The meaning behind the pearls is priceless just as these ladies are priceless.

12 dancing princesses

Sarriahs was the star in her class play. She was so cute, she deserves an academy award!!! Good job baby girl!!!!

2011-2012 wrestling

An update a little late.....

Parker was amazing this year. He was only pinned once all season. Huge improvement. He won a majority of his matches whoop whoop I'm one proud mama!!! Looking forward to wrestling this fall.

New York new York!!

Trav and I took a mini break from the kiddos and ran away to new York. Ok so we went there for Travis's doctor visit but we were still able to take in the sights. West point is beautiful!! New York is beautiful if you walk around with your nose in the air. All those tall building are amazing. It was fun to be back in the states if only for a short breath.

Taking back Sunday concert

Taking back Sunday came to our post. They put on an amazing show :)

Science fair

This year had another yucky experiment. Sarriahs chose how much salt do you have to add to water to make an egg float.

Parker did the rice experiment. He was able to yell at something and grow mold. He was a happy boy. Google the rice experiment for the whole story. Its pretty cool, but once again mold was allowed to grow in my dining room.