Friday, August 28, 2009

First day of school.

Can you see her little face?

A ball of nerves.


Bumble bee shirt and new Heeleys.

Sweety pie!
Can you believe I have a 2nd and 3rd grader? Time flies way to fast. I cant believe how much they have grown. I was just noticing today how tall they have gotten and then I have flashes of the future......teenagers, college and more. I realize that tomorrow they will be grown ups and living their own lives so, TODAY....... I have to enjoy them as much as I can. It is such an honor being their mother. I'm sad you guys dont get to see and talk to them everyday. They are such amazing little angels!!!!
Poor Parker looked so nervous as we left him in his line, while Sarriah was stoked to be back at school. They both came home happy and excited to be back.

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