Saturday, November 22, 2008

2K Turkey Trott

Ready set go!!!!!!
Laura, and her 2 kiddos, Me and Sarriah

The finish line

Sarriah and I proudly wearing our medals.

My Stairwell neighbor's, sarriah and I.

Sarriah and I ran in a 2K run this morning. It was really cool. We were slow but after we crossed the finish line I felt great just knowing I did it and didn't die doing it. Sarriah was more excited about getting her gold medal. It was great getting out there with Sarriah, she is always so concerned about being healthy, and getting enough exercise. Poor dad and Parker had to sit this one out due to the fact that they are hacking up lungs. The next one is Dec 13Th. I'm hoping to do it as a family. It's a 5K so it may have to be more of a walk/jog for me but hey at least I'm getting out there and doing it. My entire stairwell was out there running also, so we were able to cheer each other on.

We also got our first snow this morning, not alot but enough to cover the grass. Maybe we can have a snowball fight soon!!!!!!

1 comment:

dreandtonya said...

that is AWESOME... more than i would do..Ok i probably wouldn't have got out there at all! congrats on wanting to do the 5k.. hope things are going good! when are you guys going to be back in the states to visit??? love ya